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Explore the Teamwork Desk API data model

See how the various Teamwork Desk endpoints relate to each other, using our handy Entity Relationship Diagram

Pulling data from the Teamwork Desk API is only the first part of your reporting. You also need to understand the relationships between different endpoints - something that APIs typically fail to convey.

At SyncHub, we not only sync your Teamwork Desk API endpoints down into a reportable format, we also describe their relationships (e.g. in terms of foreign keys) so that you can quickly get a grasp of your data and how it fits together. This page is intended as technical documentation of these relationships.



Documentation: https://developer.teamwork.com/desk/api/ref/companies/get-v2-companiesjson

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Name string - -
Email string - -
Details string - -
Industry string - -
Website string - -
AvatarPath string - -
Permission string - -
Kind string - -
CustomersCount int - -
AddressID int - -
CreatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
CreatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
State string - -


Documentation: https://developer.teamwork.com/desk/api/ref/customers/get-v2-customersjson

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
FirstName string - -
LastName string - -
Email string - -
Organization string - -
Notes string - -
VerifiedEmail string - -
Permission string - -
LinkedinURL string - -
FacebookURL string - -
TwitterHandle string - -
NumTickets decimal - -
JobTitle string - -
Phone string - -
Mobile string - -
Address string - -
ExternalID string - -
AvatarURL string - -
Trusted boolean - -
WelcomeEmailSent boolean - -
CompanyID int Company → ID -
CreatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
CreatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
State string - -


Documentation: https://developer.teamwork.com/desk/api/ref/customfields/get-v2-customfieldsjson

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Description string - -
AgentLabel string - -
CustomerLabel string - -
DisplayOrder decimal - -
Kind string - -
CustomerRequired boolean - -
AgentRequired boolean - -
AddToNewInboxes boolean - -
Enabled boolean - -
CreatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
CreatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
State string - -


Documentation: https://developer.teamwork.com/desk/api/ref/inboxes/get-v2-inboxesjson

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Name string - -
Email string - -
LocalPart string - -
ForwardingAddress string - -
Verified boolean - -
UseTeamworkMailServer boolean - -
SmtpProvider string - -
SmtpPort int - -
SmtpSecurity string - -
AutoReplyEnabled boolean - -
AutoReplySubject string - -
AutoReplyMessage string - -
DisplayOrder decimal - -
SpamThreshold decimal - -
HappinessRatingEnabled boolean - -
HappinessRatingMessage string - -
TimeloggingEnabled boolean - -
IconImage string - -
PublicIconImage string - -
LanguageCode string - -
OnClosedLock string - -
OnClosedWait decimal - -
SendEmailsFrom string - -
Signature string - -
UsingOfficeHours boolean - -
IsAdmin boolean - -
NotificationOnly boolean - -
IncludeTicketHistoryOnForward boolean - -
TicketStatusID int - -
CreatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
CreatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
State string - -


Documentation: https://developer.teamwork.com/desk/api/ref/tags/get-v2-tagsjson

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Name string - -
Color string - -
CreatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
CreatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
State string - -


Documentation: https://developer.teamwork.com/desk/api/ref/tickets/get-v2-ticketsjson

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Subject string - -
ReadOnly boolean - -
MessageCount decimal - -
PreviewText string - -
ResponseTimeMins decimal - -
ResolutionTimeMins decimal - -
ImagesHidden boolean - -
IsRead boolean - -
SpamScore decimal - -
CustomerID int Customer → ID -
AgentID int User → ID -
ContactID int - -
InboxID int Inbox → ID -
StatusID int TicketStatus → ID -
SourceID int TicketSource → ID -
PriorityID int TicketPriority → ID -
TypeID int TicketType → ID -
CreatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
CreatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
State string - -


Documentation: https://developer.teamwork.com/desk/api/ref/ticketactivities/get-v2-tickets-activitiesjson

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
EventType string - -
Icon string - -
Color string - -
TicketID int Ticket → ID -
InboxID int Inbox → ID -
OldInboxID int Inbox → ID -
CreatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
CreatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
State string - -


Documentation: https://developer.teamwork.com/desk/api/ref/ticketstatuses/get-v2-ticketstatusesjson

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Name string - -
DisplayOrder decimal - -
Color string - -
Icon string - -
CreatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
CreatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
State string - -


Documentation: https://developer.teamwork.com/desk/api/ref/ticketsources/get-v2-ticketsourcesjson

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Name string - -
Icon string - -
CreatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
CreatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
State string - -


Documentation: https://developer.teamwork.com/desk/api/ref/ticketstatuses/get-v2-ticketstatusesjson

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Name string - -
Code string - -
DisplayOrder decimal - -
IsCustom boolean - -
Color string - -
Icon string - -
NumTickets int - -
CreatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
CreatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
State string - -


Documentation: https://developer.teamwork.com/desk/api/ref/tickettypes/get-v2-tickettypesjson

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Name string - -
DisplayOrder decimal - -
CreatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
CreatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
State string - -


Documentation: https://developer.teamwork.com/desk/api/ref/ticketstatuses/get-v2-ticketstatusesjson

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Description string - -
Billable boolean - -
Date datetime - -
Seconds int - -
TimezoneOffset decimal - -
TimelogsID int - -
ProjectsTimelogsID int - -
AssignToCurrentUser boolean - -
TicketID int Ticket → ID -
UserID int User → ID -
CreatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
CreatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
State string - -


Documentation: https://developer.teamwork.com/desk/api/ref/users/get-v2-usersjson

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Email string - -
FirstName string - -
LastName string - -
AvatarURL string - -
EditMethod string - -
IsPartTime boolean - -
TicketReplyRedirect string - -
Reviewer boolean - -
Role string - -
SendPushNotifications boolean - -
SendWebNotifications boolean - -
IsAppOwner boolean - -
UseDeskClient boolean - -
CreatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedBy int User → ID -
UpdatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
CreatedAt datetime -
  • 15 Nov 2021 Teamwork Desk will return 0001-01-01 for Ticket Types created automatically by the system
State string - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
CustomerRemoteID string Customer → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ContactID int - -
CustomerID int Customer → ID -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
CustomFieldRemoteID string CustomField → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
Name string - -
CustomFieldOptionID int - -
CustomFieldID int CustomField → ID -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
InboxRemoteID string Inbox → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
UserID int - -
InboxID int Inbox → ID -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
TicketRemoteID string Ticket → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
Value string - -
TicketID int Ticket → ID -
CustomFieldID int CustomField → ID -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
TicketRemoteID string Ticket → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
TagID int Tag → ID -
TicketID int Ticket → ID -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
TicketRemoteID string Ticket → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
MessageID int - -
HtmlBody string - -
TextBody string - -
EditMethod string - -
EmailMessageID string - -
S3link string - -
ViewedByCustomerAt datetime - -
Delayed boolean - -
ThreadType string - -
DeliveryStatus string - -
DeliveryReason string - -
DeliveryMethod string - -
IsPinned boolean - -
TicketID int Ticket → ID -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
TicketRemoteID string Ticket → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
TicketID int Ticket → ID -
TaskID int - -
Type string - -
Completed boolean - -
StateChanged boolean - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
TicketCustomFieldValueRemoteID string TicketCustomFieldValue → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
CustomFieldOptionID int CustomFieldOption → CustomFieldOptionID -

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