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Explore the Cin7 Omni API data model

See how the various Cin7 Omni endpoints relate to each other, using our handy Entity Relationship Diagram

Pulling data from the Cin7 Omni API is only the first part of your reporting. You also need to understand the relationships between different endpoints - something that APIs typically fail to convey.

At SyncHub, we not only sync your Cin7 Omni API endpoints down into a reportable format, we also describe their relationships (e.g. in terms of foreign keys) so that you can quickly get a grasp of your data and how it fits together. This page is intended as technical documentation of these relationships.



Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=Adjustment

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -
CreatedBy int User → ID -
ProcessedBy int User → ID -
IsApproved boolean - -
Reference string - -
BranchID int Branch → ID -
CompletedDate datetime - -
AdjustInAccountingSystem datetime - -
AdjustmentReason string - -
AlternativeAccountCode string - -
ProductTotal decimal - -
Source string - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=AdjustmentItem

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
AdjustmentRemoteID string Adjustment → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Name string - -
AdjustmentID int Adjustment → ID -
CreatedDate datetime - -
TransactionID int - -
ProductID int Product → ID -
ProductOptionID int -
  • 30 Nov 2020 Although this appears to be a foreign key to the ProductOption entity, it is not, because ProductOption.ID itself is not unique
IntegrationRef string - -
Sort int - -
Code string - -
Option1 string - -
Option2 string - -
Option3 string - -
Qty decimal - -
QtyAdjusted decimal - -
HoldingQty decimal - -
Account string - -
UnitCost decimal - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=BomComponent

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
BomProductRemoteID string BomProduct → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Name string - -
ProductID int Product → ID -
ProductOptionID int -
  • 30 Nov 2020 Although this appears to be a foreign key to the ProductOption entity, it is not, because ProductOption.ID itself is not unique
Type string - -
Sort int - -
Code string - -
Option1 string - -
Option2 string - -
Option3 string - -
Notes string - -
Qty decimal - -
UnitCost decimal - -
BomProductID int BomProduct → ID -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=BomMaster

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -
CreatedBy int User → ID -
ModifiedBy int User → ID -
ProductionNotes string - -
Reference string - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=BomProduct

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
BomMasterRemoteID string BomMaster → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Name string - -
ProductID int Product → ID -
ProductOptionID int -
  • 30 Nov 2020 Although this appears to be a foreign key to the ProductOption entity, it is not, because ProductOption.ID itself is not unique
Type string - -
Sort int - -
Code string - -
Option1 string - -
Option2 string - -
Option3 string - -
Notes string - -
Qty decimal - -
UnitCost decimal - -
BomMasterID int BomMaster → ID -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=Branch

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Name string - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -
IsActive boolean - -
Company string - -
FirstName string - -
LastName string - -
JobTitle string - -
Email string - -
Website string - -
Phone string - -
Fax string - -
Mobile string - -
Address1 string - -
Address2 string - -
City string - -
State string - -
PostCode string - -
Country string - -
PostalAddress1 string - -
PostalAddress2 string - -
PostalCity string - -
PostalPostCode string - -
PostalState string - -
PostalCountry string - -
Notes string - -
IntegrationRef string - -
BranchType string - -
StockControlOptions string - -
TaxStatus string - -
AccountNumber string - -
AvatarURL string - -
FullName string - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=BranchTransfer

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -
CreatedBy int User → ID -
ProcessedBy int User → ID -
ApprovedBy int User → ID -
IsApproved boolean - -
Reference string - -
BranchEmail string - -
InternalComments string - -
ProductTotal decimal - -
FirstName string - -
LastName string - -
Company string - -
Email string - -
Phone string - -
Mobile string - -
Fax string - -
ProjectName string - -
TrackingCode string - -
Source string - -
SourceBranchID int Branch → ID -
DestinationBranchID int Branch → ID -
ApprovalDate datetime - -
DispatchedDate datetime - -
ReceivedDate datetime - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=BranchTransferItem

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
BranchTransferRemoteID string BranchTransfer → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Name string - -
BranchTransferID int BranchTransfer → ID -
CreatedDate datetime - -
TransactionID int - -
ProductID int Product → ID -
ProductOptionID int -
  • 30 Nov 2020 Although this appears to be a foreign key to the ProductOption entity, it is not, because ProductOption.ID itself is not unique
IntegrationRef string - -
Sort int - -
Code string - -
Option1 string - -
Option2 string - -
Option3 string - -
Qty decimal - -
QtyTransferred int - -
UnitCost decimal - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=Contact

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Name string - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -
IsActive boolean - -
Company string - -
FirstName string - -
LastName string - -
JobTitle string - -
Email string - -
Website string - -
Phone string - -
Fax string - -
Mobile string - -
Address1 string - -
Address2 string - -
City string - -
State string - -
PostCode string - -
Country string - -
PostalAddress1 string - -
PostalAddress2 string - -
PostalCity string - -
PostalPostCode string - -
PostalState string - -
PostalCountry string - -
Notes string - -
IntegrationRef string - -
Type string - -
SalesPersonID int User → ID -
AccountNumber string - -
BillingID int Contact → ID -
BillingCompany string - -
AccountsFirstName string - -
AccountsLastName string - -
BillingEmail string - -
AccountsPhone string - -
BillingCostCenter string - -
CostCenter string - -
PriceColumn string - -
PaymentTerms string - -
TaxStatus string - -
TaxNumber string - -
CreditLimit decimal - -
BalanceOwing decimal - -
OnHold boolean - -
Group string - -
SubGroup string - -
Stages string - -
AvatarURL string - -
FullName string - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=CreditNote

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -
CreatedBy int User → ID -
ProcessedBy int User → ID -
IsApproved boolean - -
Reference string - -
MemberID int ContactMember → ID -
FirstName string - -
LastName string - -
Company string - -
Email string - -
Phone string - -
Mobile string - -
Fax string - -
DeliveryFirstName string - -
DeliveryLastName string - -
DeliveryCompany string - -
DeliveryAddress1 string - -
DeliveryAddress2 string - -
DeliveryCity string - -
DeliveryState string - -
DeliveryPostalCode string - -
DeliveryCountry string - -
BillingFirstName string - -
BillingLastName string - -
BillingCompany string - -
BillingAddress1 string - -
BillingAddress2 string - -
BillingCity string - -
BillingPostalCode string - -
BillingState string - -
BillingCountry string - -
BranchID int Branch → ID -
BranchEmail string - -
ProjectName string - -
TrackingCode string - -
InternalComments string - -
ProductTotal decimal - -
FreightTotal decimal - -
FreightDescription string - -
Surcharge decimal - -
SurchargeDescription string - -
DiscountTotal decimal - -
DiscountDescription string - -
Total decimal - -
CurrencyCode string - -
CurrencyRate decimal - -
CurrencySymbol string - -
TaxStatus string - -
TaxRate decimal - -
Source string - -
MemberEmail string - -
Status string - -
SalesReference string - -
CreditNoteNumber int - -
CreditNoteDate datetime - -
CompletedDate datetime - -
CustomerReport string - -
AlternativeAccountCode string - -
LineItemsIncludeTax boolean - -
IsTaxExempt boolean - -
TotalExTax decimal - -
Tax decimal -
  • 9 Aug 2019 The line-items include tax is only relevant at the line-item level. Here, we just calculate tax from the total
TaxRatePercentage decimal -
  • 9 Aug 2019 known bug The docs say the taxRate is between 0 and 100, but in fact it is coming through in the 0-1 range (ie. decimals)
TaxRateRemoteID string - -
TotalIncTax decimal - -
TotalDiscount decimal - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=CreditNoteItem

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
CreditNoteRemoteID string CreditNote → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Name string - -
CreditNoteID int CreditNote → ID -
CreatedDate datetime - -
TransactionID int -
  • 27 Apr 2020 Transaction ID e.g. Sales Order Id, Quote Id or Purchase Order Id
ProductID int Product → ID -
ProductOptionID int -
  • 30 Nov 2020 Although this appears to be a foreign key to the ProductOption entity, it is not, because ProductOption.ID itself is not unique
IntegrationRef string - -
Sort int - -
Code string - -
Option1 string - -
Option2 string - -
Option3 string - -
Qty decimal - -
StyleCode string - -
Barcode string - -
SizeCodes string - -
LineComments string - -
UnitCost decimal - -
UnitPrice decimal - -
Discount decimal - -
QtyShipped decimal - -
AccountCode string - -
LineItemsIncludeTax boolean - -
IsTaxExempt boolean - -
UnitPriceExTax decimal - -
TotalExTax decimal -
  • 1 May 2020 Take the unit price (ex tax) and multiply by quantity. If the item is not tax exempt and the line items include tax, then we apply tax to the discount field. Finally, we ADD the discount to the lineitem value
Tax decimal - -
TotalIncTax decimal - -
TaxRatePercentage decimal - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/Api/GET-v1-Payments-id

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -
PaymentDate datetime - -
Amount decimal - -
Method string - -
IsAuthorized boolean - -
TransactionRef string - -
Comments string - -
OrderID int -
  • 27 Apr 2020 Can be the unique Cin7 sales order Id or purchase order Id. Thus, we cannot create a foreign key from this column
OrderRef string - -
BatchReference string - -
PaymentImportedRef string - -
ReconcileDate datetime - -
BranchID int Branch → ID -
OrderType string - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=Product

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Name string - -
Description string - -
Status string - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -
StyleCode string - -
Tags string - -
PdfUpload string - -
PdfDescription string - -
SupplierID int - -
Brand string - -
Category string - -
SubCategory string - -
Channels string - -
Weight decimal - -
Height decimal - -
Width decimal - -
Length decimal - -
Volume decimal - -
StockControl string - -
OrderType string - -
ProductType string - -
ProductSubtype string - -
ProjectName string - -
OptionLabel1 string - -
OptionLabel2 string - -
OptionLabel3 string - -
SalesAccount string - -
PurchasesAccount string - -
ImportCustomsDuty string - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=ProductCategory

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Name string - -
Description string - -
ParentID int ProductCategory → ID -
IsActive boolean - -
Sort int - -
ImageLink string - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=ProductionJob

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -
DueDate datetime - -
CompletedDate datetime - -
CreatedBy int User → ID -
CompletedBy int User → ID -
IsApproved boolean - -
BranchID int Branch → ID -
ProjectName string - -
ProductionNotes string - -
Reference string - -
Source string - -
TotalCost decimal - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=ProductionJobComponent

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
ProductionJobProductRemoteID string ProductionJobProduct → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Name string - -
ProductionJobProductID int ProductionJobProduct → ID -
ProductID int Product → ID -
ProductOptionID int -
  • 30 Nov 2020 Although this appears to be a foreign key to the ProductOption entity, it is not, because ProductOption.ID itself is not unique
Type string - -
Sort int - -
Code string - -
Option1 string - -
Option2 string - -
Option3 string - -
Notes string - -
DueDate datetime - -
StandardQty decimal - -
ActualQty decimal - -
UnitCost decimal - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=ProductionJobProduct

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
ProductionJobRemoteID string ProductionJob → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Name string - -
ProductionJobID int ProductionJob → ID -
ProductID int Product → ID -
ProductOptionID int -
  • 30 Nov 2020 Although this appears to be a foreign key to the ProductOption entity, it is not, because ProductOption.ID itself is not unique
Type string - -
Sort int - -
Code string - -
Option1 string - -
Option2 string - -
Option3 string - -
Notes string - -
DueDate datetime - -
StandardQty decimal - -
ActualQty decimal - -
UnitCost decimal - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=ProductOption

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int -
  • 27 Apr 2020 known bug This id field is not in fact unique. The actual unique combination is productId/code
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -
Status string - -
ProductID int Product → ID -
ProductOptionCode string - -
ProductOptionSizeCode string - -
ProductOptionBarcode string - -
ProductOptionSizeBarcode string - -
SupplierCode string - -
Option1 string - -
Option2 string - -
Option3 string - -
OptionWeight decimal - -
Size string - -
RetailPrice decimal - -
WholesalePrice decimal - -
VipPrice decimal - -
SpecialPrice decimal - -
SpecialsStartDate datetime - -
SpecialDays int - -
StockAvailable decimal - -
StockOnHand decimal - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=PurchaseOrder

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -
CreatedBy int User → ID -
ProcessedBy int User → ID -
IsApproved boolean - -
Reference string - -
MemberID int ContactMember → ID -
FirstName string - -
LastName string - -
Company string - -
Email string - -
Phone string - -
Mobile string - -
Fax string - -
DeliveryFirstName string - -
DeliveryLastName string - -
DeliveryCompany string - -
DeliveryAddress1 string - -
DeliveryAddress2 string - -
DeliveryCity string - -
DeliveryState string - -
DeliveryPostalCode string - -
DeliveryCountry string - -
BillingFirstName string - -
BillingLastName string - -
BillingCompany string - -
BillingAddress1 string - -
BillingAddress2 string - -
BillingCity string - -
BillingPostalCode string - -
BillingState string - -
BillingCountry string - -
BranchID int Branch → ID -
BranchEmail string - -
ProjectName string - -
TrackingCode string - -
InternalComments string - -
ProductTotal decimal - -
FreightTotal decimal - -
FreightDescription string - -
Surcharge decimal - -
SurchargeDescription string - -
DiscountTotal decimal - -
DiscountDescription string - -
Total decimal - -
CurrencyCode string - -
CurrencyRate decimal - -
CurrencySymbol string - -
TaxStatus string - -
TaxRate decimal - -
Source string - -
MemberEmail string - -
MemberCostCenter string - -
MemberAlternativeTaxRate string - -
CostCenter string - -
AlternativeTaxRate string - -
EstimatedDeliveryDate datetime - -
SalesPersonID int User → ID -
SalesPersonEmail string - -
PaymentTerms string - -
CustomerOrderNo string - -
VoucherCode string - -
DeliveryInstructions string - -
Status string - -
Stage string - -
SupplierInvoiceReference string - -
SupplierAcceptanceDate datetime - -
Port string - -
EstimatedArrivalDate datetime - -
FullyReceivedDate datetime - -
InvoiceDate datetime - -
AmountCredited decimal - -
AmountDue decimal - -
AmountPaid decimal - -
CustomerRemoteID string - -
IsAccountsReceivable boolean - -
HasAttachments boolean - -
IsAccountsPayable boolean - -
InvoiceNumber string - -
IsSentToClient boolean - -
LineItemsIncludeTax boolean - -
IsTaxExempt boolean - -
Tax decimal -
  • 9 Aug 2019 The line-items include tax is only relevant at the line-item level. Here, we just calculate tax from the total
TaxRatePercentage decimal -
  • 9 Aug 2019 The docs say the taxRate is between 0 and 100, but in fact it is coming through as .15. This calculation will consider both - if it is less than one, we will multiple by 100 to get the percentage.
TotalExTax decimal - -
TaxRateRemoteID string - -
TotalIncTax decimal - -
TotalDiscount decimal - -
WhenDue datetime - -
WhenPaid datetime - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=PurchaseOrderItem

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
PurchaseOrderRemoteID string PurchaseOrder → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Name string - -
Description string - -
PurchaseOrderID int PurchaseOrder → ID -
LineItemsIncludeTax boolean - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
TransactionID int -
  • 28 Apr 2020 `SalesOrderId`, `QuoteId` or `PurchaseOrderId`, depending on the order type
ProductID int Product → ID -
ProductOptionID int -
  • 30 Nov 2020 Although this appears to be a foreign key to the ProductOption entity, it is not, because ProductOption.ID itself is not unique
IntegrationRef string - -
Sort int - -
Code string - -
Option1 string - -
Option2 string - -
Option3 string - -
Qty decimal - -
StyleCode string - -
Barcode string - -
SizeCodes string - -
LineComments string - -
UnitPrice decimal - -
Discount decimal - -
QtyShipped decimal - -
HoldingQty decimal - -
AccountCode string - -
Quantity decimal - -
UnitPriceExTax decimal - -
TotalExTax decimal - -
Tax decimal - -
TotalIncTax decimal - -
TaxRatePercentage decimal - -
TaxRateRemoteID string - -
ProductRemoteID string - -
DiscountAmount decimal - -
DiscountPercentage decimal - -
IsTaxExempt boolean - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=Quote

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -
CreatedBy int User → ID -
ProcessedBy int User → ID -
IsApproved boolean - -
Reference string - -
MemberID int ContactMember → ID -
FirstName string - -
LastName string - -
Company string - -
Email string - -
Phone string - -
Mobile string - -
Fax string - -
DeliveryFirstName string - -
DeliveryLastName string - -
DeliveryCompany string - -
DeliveryAddress1 string - -
DeliveryAddress2 string - -
DeliveryCity string - -
DeliveryState string - -
DeliveryPostalCode string - -
DeliveryCountry string - -
BillingFirstName string - -
BillingLastName string - -
BillingCompany string - -
BillingAddress1 string - -
BillingAddress2 string - -
BillingCity string - -
BillingPostalCode string - -
BillingState string - -
BillingCountry string - -
BranchID int Branch → ID -
BranchEmail string - -
ProjectName string - -
TrackingCode string - -
InternalComments string - -
ProductTotal decimal - -
FreightTotal decimal - -
FreightDescription string - -
Surcharge decimal - -
SurchargeDescription string - -
DiscountTotal decimal - -
DiscountDescription string - -
Total decimal - -
CurrencyCode string - -
CurrencyRate decimal - -
CurrencySymbol string - -
TaxStatus string - -
TaxRate decimal - -
Source string - -
MemberEmail string - -
MemberCostCenter string - -
MemberAlternativeTaxRate string - -
CostCenter string - -
AlternativeTaxRate string - -
EstimatedDeliveryDate datetime - -
SalesPersonID int User → ID -
SalesPersonEmail string - -
PaymentTerms string - -
CustomerOrderNo string - -
VoucherCode string - -
DeliveryInstructions string - -
Status string - -
Stage string - -
Probability decimal - -
ExpectedOrderDate datetime - -
AcceptanceDate datetime - -
AmountCredited decimal - -
AmountDue decimal - -
AmountPaid decimal - -
CustomerRemoteID string - -
IsAccountsReceivable boolean - -
HasAttachments boolean - -
IsAccountsPayable boolean - -
InvoiceNumber string - -
IsSentToClient boolean - -
LineItemsIncludeTax boolean - -
IsTaxExempt boolean - -
Tax decimal -
  • 9 Aug 2019 The line-items include tax is only relevant at the line-item level. Here, we just calculate tax from the total.
TaxRatePercentage decimal -
  • 9 Aug 2019 known bug The docs say the taxRate is between 0 and 100, but in fact it is coming through in the 0-1 range (ie. decimal)
TotalExTax decimal - -
TaxRateRemoteID string - -
TotalIncTax decimal - -
TotalDiscount decimal - -
WhenDue datetime - -
WhenPaid datetime - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=QuoteItem

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
QuoteRemoteID string Quote → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Name string - -
Description string - -
QuoteID int Quote → ID -
LineItemsIncludeTax boolean - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
TransactionID int -
  • 28 Apr 2020 Can refer to any of `SalesOrderId`, `Quote`Id` or `PurchaseOrderId`
ProductID int Product → ID -
ProductOptionID int -
  • 30 Nov 2020 Although this appears to be a foreign key to the ProductOption entity, it is not, because ProductOption.ID itself is not unique
IntegrationRef string - -
Sort int - -
Code string - -
Option1 string - -
Option2 string - -
Option3 string - -
Qty decimal - -
StyleCode string - -
Barcode string - -
SizeCodes string - -
LineComments string - -
UnitPrice decimal - -
Discount decimal - -
QtyShipped decimal - -
HoldingQty decimal - -
Quantity decimal - -
UnitPriceExTax decimal - -
TotalExTax decimal - -
Tax decimal - -
TotalIncTax decimal - -
TaxRatePercentage decimal - -
TaxRateRemoteID string - -
ProductRemoteID string - -
DiscountAmount decimal - -
DiscountPercentage decimal - -
IsTaxExempt boolean - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=StockMovement

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
SalesOrderItemRemoteID string SalesOrderItem → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
Batch string - -
Quantity decimal - -
SalesOrderItemID int SalesOrderItem → ID -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=SalesOrder

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
CreatedDate datetime -
  • 30 Dec 2022 We have observed this createdDate field coming down as NULL
ModifiedDate datetime - -
CreatedBy int User → ID -
ProcessedBy int User → ID -
IsApproved boolean - -
Reference string - -
MemberID int ContactMember → ID -
DistributionBranchID int Branch → ID -
FirstName string - -
LastName string - -
Company string - -
Email string - -
Phone string - -
Mobile string - -
Fax string - -
DeliveryFirstName string - -
DeliveryLastName string - -
DeliveryCompany string - -
DeliveryAddress1 string - -
DeliveryAddress2 string - -
DeliveryCity string - -
DeliveryState string - -
DeliveryPostalCode string - -
DeliveryCountry string - -
BillingFirstName string - -
BillingLastName string - -
BillingCompany string - -
BillingAddress1 string - -
BillingAddress2 string - -
BillingCity string - -
BillingPostalCode string - -
BillingState string - -
BillingCountry string - -
BranchID int Branch → ID -
BranchEmail string - -
ProjectName string - -
TrackingCode string - -
InternalComments string - -
ProductTotal decimal - -
FreightTotal decimal - -
FreightDescription string - -
Surcharge decimal - -
SurchargeDescription string - -
DiscountTotal decimal - -
DiscountDescription string - -
Total decimal - -
CurrencyCode string - -
CurrencyRate decimal - -
CurrencySymbol string - -
TaxStatus string - -
TaxRate decimal -
  • 9 Aug 2019 known bug Docs say this is between 0 and 100, but in fact it is coming through in 0-1 range (ie. decimal)
Source string - -
MemberEmail string - -
MemberCostCenter string - -
MemberAlternativeTaxRate string - -
CostCenter string - -
AlternativeTaxRate string - -
EstimatedDeliveryDate datetime - -
SalesPersonID int User → ID -
PaymentTerms string - -
CustomerOrderNo string - -
VoucherCode string - -
DeliveryInstructions string - -
Status string - -
Stage string - -
InvoiceDate datetime - -
InvoiceNumber string - -
DispatchedDate datetime - -
LogisticsCarrier string - -
LogisticsStatus int - -
IsAccountsReceivable boolean - -
IsAccountsPayable boolean - -
AmountDue decimal - -
AmountPaid decimal - -
AmountCredited decimal - -
HasAttachments boolean - -
LineItemsIncludeTax boolean - -
IsTaxExempt boolean - -
TotalExTax decimal - -
Tax decimal -
  • 28 Apr 2020 The line-items include tax is only relevant at the line-item level. Here, we just calculate tax based on the 'total' property.
  • 24 Jul 2024 This calculation assumes that both 'productTotal' and 'freightTotal' are tax exclusive. However, we have seen examples where freight is inclusive and therefore this value should be discarded and users should calculate their own tax component based solely off the 'productTotal' property
TotalIncTax decimal - -
TotalDiscount decimal - -
CustomerRemoteID string - -
WhenDue datetime - -
WhenPaid datetime - -
TaxRatePercentage decimal -
  • 9 Apr 2019 known bug The docs say the taxRate is between 0 and 100, but in fact it is coming through in the 0-1 range (ie. decimal)
TaxRateRemoteID string - -
IsSentToClient boolean - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=SalesOrderItem

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
SalesOrderRemoteID string SalesOrder → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Name string - -
Description string - -
LineItemsIncludeTax boolean - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
SalesOrderID int SalesOrder → ID -
TransactionID int -
  • 28 Apr 2020 Can refer to any of `SalesOrderId`, `QuoteId` or `PurchaseOrderId`
ProductID int Product → ID -
ProductOptionID int -
  • 30 Nov 2020 Although this appears to be a foreign key to the ProductOption entity, it is not, because ProductOption.ID itself is not unique
IntegrationRef string - -
Sort int - -
Code string - -
Option1 string - -
Option2 string - -
Option3 string - -
Qty decimal - -
StyleCode string - -
Barcode string - -
SizeCodes string - -
LineComments string - -
UnitCost decimal - -
UnitPrice decimal - -
Discount decimal - -
QtyShipped decimal - -
HoldingQty decimal - -
AccountCode string - -
ParentID int SalesOrderItem → ID -
Quantity decimal - -
UnitPriceExTax decimal - -
TotalExTax decimal - -
Tax decimal - -
TotalIncTax decimal - -
TaxRatePercentage decimal - -
TaxRateRemoteID string - -
ProductRemoteID string - -
DiscountAmount decimal - -
DiscountPercentage decimal - -
IsTaxExempt boolean - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=SerialNumber

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
Serialnumber string - -
ProductID int Product → ID -
ProductOptionID int -
  • 30 Nov 2020 Although this appears to be a foreign key to the ProductOption entity, it is not, because ProductOption.ID itself is not unique
LineItemID int - -
Code string - -
HoldingGroup string - -
BranchID int Branch → ID -
Available decimal - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=StockUnit

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string -
  • 28 Apr 2020 Code is the unique SKU, but we must combine with branch to get a globally unique value
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ProductID int Product → ID -
ProductOptionID int -
  • 30 Nov 2020 Although this appears to be a foreign key to the ProductOption entity, it is not, because ProductOption.ID itself is not unique
ModifiedDate datetime - -
StyleCode string - -
Code string - -
Barcode string - -
BranchID int Branch → ID -
Option1 string - -
Option2 string - -
Option3 string - -
Size string - -
Available decimal - -
StockOnHand decimal - -
OpenSales decimal - -
Incoming decimal - -
VirtualStock decimal - -
Holding decimal - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=User

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
IsActive boolean - -
FirstName string - -
LastName string - -
JobTitle string - -
Email string - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
ContactRemoteID string Contact → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID int - -
ContactID int Contact → ID -
Company string - -
FirstName string - -
LastName string - -
JobTitle string - -
Email string - -
Mobile string - -
Phone string - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
ContactRemoteID string Contact → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ContactID int Contact → ID -
FieldName string - -
FieldValue string - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
CreditNoteRemoteID string CreditNote → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
CreditNoteID int CreditNote → ID -
FieldName string - -
FieldValue string - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
ProductRemoteID string Product → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ProductID int Product → ID -
Url string - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
ProductRemoteID string Product → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ProductID int Product → ID -
FieldName string - -
FieldValue string - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
ProductRemoteID string Product → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ProductID int Product → ID -
TagName string - -
Count int -
  • 4 May 2023 It is possible to have the same tag multiple times on a product. Instead of having several indentical rows, we will just count the number of times the tag occurs.


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
ProductRemoteID string Product → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ProductID int Product → ID -
ProductCategoryID int - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
ProductOptionRemoteID string ProductOption → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
Name string - -
Value decimal - -


Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=PurchaseOrder

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
PurchaseOrderRemoteID string PurchaseOrder → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
PurchaseOrderID int PurchaseOrder → ID -
FieldName string - -
FieldValue string - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
QuoteRemoteID string Quote → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
QuoteID int Quote → ID -
FieldName string - -
FieldValue string - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
SalesOrderRemoteID string SalesOrder → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
SalesOrderID int SalesOrder → ID -
FieldName string - -
FieldValue string - -

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