2024 is the year of the connector - vote here

Explore the Scoro API data model

See how the various Scoro endpoints relate to each other, using our handy Entity Relationship Diagram

Pulling data from the Scoro API is only the first part of your reporting. You also need to understand the relationships between different endpoints - something that APIs typically fail to convey.

At SyncHub, we not only sync your Scoro API endpoints down into a reportable format, we also describe their relationships (e.g. in terms of foreign keys) so that you can quickly get a grasp of your data and how it fits together. This page is intended as technical documentation of these relationships.



Documentation: https://api.scoro.com/api/v2#vatCodesApiV2Docs

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
Description boolean - -
CatID long - -
CatName string - -
Symbol string - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -


Documentation: https://api.scoro.com/api/v2#clientProfilesApiV2Docs

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID long - -
Name string - -
Discount string - -
Discount2 string - -
Discount3 string - -
VatCodeID long VATCode → VatCodeID -
DeadlineDays int - -
Fine string - -
Currency string - -
PaymentType string - -
LanguageID string - -
PriceListID long - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -


Documentation: https://api.scoro.com/api/v2#contactsApiV2Docs

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID long - -
Name string - -
ContactID long - -
Lastname string - -
SearchName string - -
ContactType string - -
IdCode string - -
Bankaccount string - -
Birthday datetime - -
Position string - -
Comments string - -
Sex string - -
Vatno string - -
Timezone string - -
ManagerEmail string - -
IsSupplier boolean - -
IsClient boolean - -
ManagerID long - -
ClientProfileID long ClientProfile → ID -
ReferenceNo string - -
CatID long Category → CatID -
CatName string - -
ContactPicture string - -
DeletedDate datetime - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -


Documentation: https://api.scoro.com/api/v2#customFieldsApiV2Docs

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID string - -
Name string - -
Type string - -
IsFilterable int - -


Documentation: https://api.scoro.com/api/v2#financeAccountsApiV2Docs

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID long - -
Name string - -
AccountSymbol string - -
ParentID long FinanceAccount → ID -
ParentName string - -
IsActive boolean - -
IsSalesAccount boolean - -
IsPurchasesAccount boolean - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -


Documentation: https://api.scoro.com/api/v2#invoicesApiV2Docs

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID long - -
Description string - -
Vat decimal - -
AddressCity string - -
AddressCountryCode string - -
AddressCountryName string - -
AddressCounty string - -
AddressMunicipality string - -
AddressStreet string - -
AddressZipCode string - -
ProjectName string - -
CurrencyRate decimal - -
ShipmentDate datetime - -
IsRoleBased boolean - -
LocalPriceListID long - -
No long - -
Discount decimal - -
Discount2 decimal - -
Discount3 decimal - -
Sum decimal - -
VatSum decimal - -
VatCodeID long VATCode → VatCodeID -
CompanyID long Contact → ContactID -
PersonID long Contact → ContactID -
CompanyAddressID long - -
InterestedPartyID long - -
InterestedPartyAddressID long - -
ProjectID long Project → ProjectID -
OwnerID long User → ID -
Currency string - -
OwnerEmail string - -
Date datetime - -
Deadline datetime - -
Status string - -
AccountID string - -
IsSent boolean - -
PaymentType string - -
Fine string - -
PrepaymentSum decimal - -
RealEstateID long - -
ReferenceNo string - -
CompanyName string - -
PersonName string - -
PaidSum decimal - -
PaymentFee decimal - -
ReceivableSum decimal - -
GenerationType string - -
ScheduledInvoiceID long Invoice → ID -
AccountingPeriodFrom datetime - -
AccountingPeriodTo datetime - -
PayNowLink string - -
DeletedDate datetime - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -


Documentation: https://api.scoro.com/api/v2#ordersApiV2Docs

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID long - -
Description string - -
AddressCity string - -
AddressCountryCode string - -
AddressCountryName string - -
AddressCounty string - -
AddressMunicipality string - -
AddressStreet string - -
AddressZipCode string - -
CurrencyRate decimal - -
Vat decimal - -
ShipmentDate datetime - -
IsRoleBased boolean - -
LocalPriceListID long - -
No long - -
Discount decimal - -
Discount2 decimal - -
Discount3 decimal - -
Sum decimal - -
VatSum decimal - -
VatCodeID long VATCode → VatCodeID -
CompanyID long Contact → ContactID -
PersonID long Contact → ContactID -
CompanyAddressID long - -
InterestedPartyID long - -
InterestedPartyAddressID long - -
ProjectID long Project → ProjectID -
OwnerID long User → ID -
Currency string - -
Date datetime - -
Deadline datetime - -
Status string - -
AccountID string - -
IsSent boolean - -
QuoteID long Quote → ID -
DeletedDate datetime - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -


Documentation: https://api.scoro.com/api/v2#prepaymentsApiV2Docs

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID long - -
Description string - -
QuoteID long Quote → ID -
OrderID long Order → ID -
PrepaymentPercent decimal - -
Fine string - -
Vat decimal - -
AddressCity string - -
AddressCountryCode string - -
AddressCountryName string - -
AddressCounty string - -
AddressMunicipality string - -
AddressStreet string - -
AddressZipCode string - -
ProjectName string - -
CurrencyRate decimal - -
ShipmentDate datetime - -
IsRoleBased boolean - -
LocalPriceListID long - -
No long - -
Discount decimal - -
Discount2 decimal - -
Discount3 decimal - -
Sum decimal - -
VatSum decimal - -
VatCodeID long VATCode → VatCodeID -
CompanyID long Contact → ContactID -
PersonID long Contact → ContactID -
CompanyAddressID long - -
InterestedPartyID long - -
ProjectID long Project → ProjectID -
OwnerID long User → ID -
Currency string - -
Date datetime - -
Deadline datetime - -
Status string - -
AccountID string - -
IsSent boolean - -
DeletedDate datetime - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -


Documentation: https://api.scoro.com/api/v2#productsApiV2Docs

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID long - -
Name string - -
Description string - -
ProductID long - -
Code string - -
Price decimal - -
BuyingPrice decimal - -
PriceList long - -
Description2 string - -
Unit string - -
Amount decimal - -
Amount2 decimal - -
Tag string - -
Url string - -
DefaultType string - -
UseSupplier boolean - -
DefaultDoerID long User → ID -
DefaultRoleID long UserRole → RoleID -
SupplierID long Contact → ID -
IsActive boolean - -
IsService boolean - -
NoDiscounts boolean - -
DefaultVatCodeID long VATCode → VatCodeID -
DefaultSalesTaxID long VATCode → VatCodeID -
DefaultPurchasesTaxID long VATCode → VatCodeID -
DepotsTotalAmounts decimal - -
AccountID string - -
SalesFinanceAccountID long - -
PurchasesFinanceAccountID long - -
DeletedDate datetime - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -


Documentation: https://api.scoro.com/api/v2#projectsV2Docs

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID long - -
ProjectID long - -
No int - -
ProjectName string - -
CompanyID long Contact → ContactID -
IsPersonal boolean - -
IsPrivate boolean - -
Color string - -
Status string - -
StatusName string - -
ManagerID long User → ID -
ManagerEmail string - -
Date datetime - -
Deadline datetime - -
Duration string - -
AccountID string - -
BudgetType string - -
StripDescription boolean - -
IsRoleBased boolean - -
LocalPriceListID long - -
DeletedDate datetime - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -


Documentation: https://api.scoro.com/api/v2#purchaseOrdersApiV2Docs

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID long - -
Description string - -
QuoteID long Quote → ID -
OrderID long Order → ID -
RealEstateID long - -
DeliveryAddressID long - -
DeliveryDate datetime - -
AddressCity string - -
AddressCountryCode string - -
AddressCountryName string - -
AddressCounty string - -
AddressMunicipality string - -
AddressStreet string - -
AddressZipCode string - -
ProjectName string - -
CurrencyRate decimal - -
Vat decimal - -
ConfirmedDate datetime - -
No long - -
Discount decimal - -
Discount2 decimal - -
Discount3 decimal - -
Sum decimal - -
VatSum decimal - -
VatCodeID long VATCode → VatCodeID -
CompanyID long Contact → ContactID -
PersonID long Contact → ContactID -
CompanyAddressID long - -
InterestedPartyID long - -
InterestedPartyAddressID long - -
ProjectID long Project → ProjectID -
OwnerID long User → ID -
Currency string - -
OwnerEmail string - -
Date datetime - -
Status string - -
AccountID string - -
IsSent boolean - -
DeletedDate datetime - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -


Documentation: https://api.scoro.com/api/v2#quotesV2Docs

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID long - -
Description string - -
AddressCity string - -
AddressCountryCode string - -
AddressCountryName string - -
AddressCounty string - -
AddressMunicipality string - -
AddressStreet string - -
AddressZipCode string - -
ProjectName string - -
CurrencyRate decimal - -
StatusName string - -
ShipmentDate datetime - -
IsRoleBased boolean - -
LocalPriceListID long - -
EstimatedDuration int -
  • 14 Feb 2024 Duration is in months
No long - -
Discount decimal - -
Discount2 decimal - -
Discount3 decimal - -
Sum decimal - -
VatSum decimal - -
VatCodeID long VATCode → VatCodeID -
CompanyID long Contact → ContactID -
PersonID long Contact → ContactID -
CompanyAddressID long - -
InterestedPartyID long - -
InterestedPartyAddressID long - -
ProjectID long Project → ProjectID -
OwnerID long User → ID -
Currency string - -
OwnerEmail string - -
Date datetime - -
Deadline datetime - -
Status string - -
AccountID string - -
IsSent boolean - -
ConfirmedDate datetime - -
EstimatedClosingDate datetime - -
DeletedDate datetime - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -


Documentation: https://api.scoro.com/api/v2#usersApiV2Docs

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID long - -
Username string - -
Firstname string - -
Lastname string - -
FullName string - -
Initials string - -
Email string - -
Status string - -
Category string - -
Position string - -
Hidden boolean - -
RoleID long UserRole → RoleID -
CountryID string - -
Comment string - -
Gsm string - -
Timezone string - -
Birthday datetime - -
CreatedDate datetime - -
ModifiedDate datetime - -


Documentation: https://api.scoro.com/api/v2#userGroupsApiV2Docs

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
GroupID long - -
GroupName string - -
Comment string - -
Hidden boolean - -


Documentation: https://api.scoro.com/api/v2#userRolesApiV2Docs

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
RoleID long - -
RoleName string - -


Documentation: https://api.scoro.com/api/v2#vatCodesApiV2Docs

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
VatCodeID long - -
VatCode string - -
VatName string - -
IsSales boolean - -
IsPurchases boolean - -
IsActive boolean - -
IsNotApplicable boolean - -
Percent decimal - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
ContactRemoteID string Contact → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID string CustomField → ID -
ContactID long Contact → ID -
Value string - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
CustomFieldRemoteID string CustomField → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
CustomFieldID string CustomField → ID -
ModuleName string - -
Status string - -


Documentation: https://api.scoro.com/api/v2#invoiceLinesApiV2Docs

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
InvoiceRemoteID string Invoice → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID long - -
VatCodeID long VATCode → VatCodeID -
DoerEmail string - -
RoleName string - -
ProductID long Product → ID -
Comment string - -
Comment2 string - -
Price decimal - -
Amount decimal - -
Amount2 decimal - -
Discount decimal - -
Sum decimal - -
Vat decimal - -
Unit string - -
FinanceObjectID long - -
FinanceAccountID long - -
FinanceAccountIdsymbol string - -
Cost decimal - -
IsInternal boolean - -
SupplierID long Contact → ContactID -
DoerID long User → ID -
RoleID long UserRole → RoleID -
ProjectID long Project → ProjectID -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
InvoiceRemoteID string Invoice → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID string CustomField → ID -
InvoiceID long Invoice → ID -
Value string - -


Documentation: https://api.scoro.com/api/v2#orderLinesApiV2Docs

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
OrderRemoteID string Order → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID long - -
ProductID long Product → ID -
Comment string - -
Comment2 string - -
Price decimal - -
Amount decimal - -
Amount2 decimal - -
Discount decimal - -
Sum decimal - -
Vat decimal - -
Unit string - -
FinanceObjectID long - -
VatCodeID long VATCode → VatCodeID -
FinanceAccountID long FinanceAccount → ID -
Cost decimal - -
IsInternal boolean - -
SupplierID long Contact → ContactID -
DoerID long User → ID -
RoleID long UserRole → RoleID -
ProjectID long Project → ProjectID -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
OrderRemoteID string Order → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID string CustomField → ID -
OrderID long Order → ID -
Value string - -


Documentation: https://api.scoro.com/api/v2#prepaymentLinesApiV2Docs

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
PrepaymentRemoteID string Prepayment → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID long - -
ProductID long Product → ID -
Comment string - -
Comment2 string - -
Price decimal - -
Amount decimal - -
Amount2 decimal - -
Discount decimal - -
Sum decimal - -
VatCodeID long VATCode → VatCodeID -
Vat decimal - -
Unit string - -
FinanceObjectID long - -
FinanceAccountID long - -
Cost decimal - -
IsInternal boolean - -
SupplierID long Contact → ContactID -
DoerID long User → ID -
RoleID long UserRole → RoleID -
ProjectID long Project → ProjectID -


Documentation: https://api.scoro.com/api/v2#projectPhasesV2Docs

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
ProjectRemoteID string Project → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID long - -
ProjectID long Project → ProjectID -
QuoteLineID long - -
Ordering int - -
Type string - -
Title string - -
StartDate datetime - -
EndDate datetime - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
ProjectRemoteID string Project → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID string CustomField → ID -
ProjectID long Project → ID -
Value string - -


Documentation: https://api.scoro.com/api/v2#purchaseOrderLinesApiV2Docs

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
PurchaseOrderRemoteID string PurchaseOrder → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID long - -
VatCodeID long VATCode → VatCodeID -
IsSettled boolean - -
ProductID long Product → ID -
Comment string - -
Comment2 string - -
Price decimal - -
Amount decimal - -
Amount2 decimal - -
Discount decimal - -
Sum decimal - -
Vat decimal - -
Unit string - -
FinanceObjectID long - -
FinanceAccountID long - -
ProjectID long Project → ProjectID -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
PurchaseOrderRemoteID string PurchaseOrder → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID string CustomField → ID -
PurchaseOrderID long PurchaseOrder → ID -
Value string - -


Documentation: https://api.scoro.com/api/v2#quoteLinesV2Docs

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
QuoteRemoteID string Quote → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID long - -
VatCodeID long VATCode → VatCodeID -
IsConfirmed boolean - -
DoerEmail string - -
RoleName string - -
ProductID long Product → ID -
Comment string - -
Comment2 string - -
Price decimal - -
Amount decimal - -
Amount2 decimal - -
Discount decimal - -
Sum decimal - -
Vat decimal - -
Unit string - -
FinanceObjectID long - -
FinanceAccountID long - -
Cost decimal - -
IsInternal boolean - -
SupplierID long Contact → ContactID -
DoerID long User → ID -
RoleID long UserRole → RoleID -
ProjectID long Project → ProjectID -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
QuoteRemoteID string Quote → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID string CustomField → ID -
QuoteID long Quote → ID -
Value string - -

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